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The 1st Secret To Success? Do What The Top 3% Are Doing!

The legendary retailer JC Penny profoundly said, "Show me a stock clerk who has goals, and I will show you a man who will make history; but show me a man who has no goals, and I will show you a stock clerk!"

A historical university study backs this up. The study found that only 3 out of 100 Americans retire wealthy, 10 retire doing ok, 60 retire living day to day, and the remaining 27 retire needing assistance to survive.

What separates the 3 from the other 97, goals? But not just goals, written goals.You see, the 10 have goals in their mind, but they are not written. The 60 have no goals, they only have wishes. And the remaining 27 have neither goals nor wishes, they only want food, shelter, and clothing. The power is in the clearly written goals!

JD Williams Personal Development is dedicated to turning those numbers upside down and helping more everyday people like you live focused, fearless, fulfilled lives by helping you develop and achieve clearly written goals!

Schedule your goal setting coaching session with us today!

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