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Friday Foresight: Set Pragmatic Goals!

If a pessimist sees the glass as half-full and an optimist sees the glass as half-empty, how does a pragmatist see it?

Here's the answer to the riddle. The pragmatist concludes that if the glass is full and you empty it to the halfway point, now it's half-empty. And if the glass is empty and you fill it to the halfway point, now it's half-full. Durhhh! Pragmatists are geniuses.

Be like the pragmatist and make sure that you set balanced goals for 2015. Using the 'A' and the 'R' in the SMART goal-setting formula can help. Remember, the 'A' stands for 'Aggressive' and the 'R' stands for 'Realistic'. Set goals that are aggressive but make sure these goals are realistic and can actually be achieved.

For example, if you say "I'm going to lose 30 pounds in 30 days!", that's aggressive but not realistic. On the other hand, if you say "I'm going to lose 1 pound in 30 days!", that's realistic but not aggressive.

Goals that are aggressive but unrealistic cause contraction, and goals that are realistic but not aggressive cause inaction. I repeat, "Goals that are aggressive but unrealistic cause contraction, and goals that are realistic but not aggressive cause inaction". Set pragmatic goals!

For assistance with this or any other personal productivity issues, contact us today!

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